Find out how to obtain the prestigious Engagé RSE label. This comprehensive guide details the benefits, the process and the essential advice for successfully obtaining the label and boosting your CSR approach.
All you need to know about the Engagé RSE label in 2024
- Mis à jour le 09.01.2025
Welcome to Mon Entreprise Durable par Coptain! In a nutshell, our job is to enable CSR managers to multiply their impact! Today, we present the Engagé RSE label, a valuable tool for organizations wishing to demonstrate their commitment to responsible, sustainable practices. This label evaluates and promotes companies’ efforts in the field of sustainable development, taking into account environmental, social and ethical criteria. It offers official recognition to companies that integrate CSR into their overall strategy, thereby strengthening their credibility and competitiveness in the marketplace. In this article, we explore in detail what the Engagé RSE label is and how to obtain it.
Here you will find :
This article explains how EcoVadis certification helps companies to structure, assess and improve their CSR practices, with a focus on continuous improvement.
Optimize your EcoVadis score with these 5 practices: understand the criteria, reinforce your CSR policies, involve the whole company, monitor actions and anticipate assessments.
Filling in an EcoVadis questionnaire is a strategic lever for enhancing your CSR commitment.
This article guides you in structuring your answers and achieving certification.
What is the Engagé RSE label?
Definition: The Engagé RSE label is a certification attesting to a company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. Managed by AFNOR, it aims to assess the CSR performance of organizations according to a reference framework based on the ISO 26000 standard. The label encourages companies to adopt sustainable and responsible practices.
Background: Created in response to the growing challenges of sustainable development, the Engagé RSE label was launched to help companies structure and promote their CSR actions. Faced with growing consumer and investor demand for transparency and accountability, the label was designed to provide a rigorous and recognized assessment framework.
Main objectives: The label aims to improve the transparency of companies’ social, environmental and ethical practices. It encourages the integration of CSR into corporate strategy, fosters sustainable innovation and helps build stakeholder confidence. It also helps identify areas for continuous improvement to optimize the company’s positive impact on society and the environment.
When is it relevant to obtain the Engagé RSE label?
Obtaining the Engagé RSE label is particularly relevant for companies wishing to reinforce their credibility and reputation in terms of corporate social responsibility. This label is ideal for organizations seeking to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices, which can be a major asset in sectors where consumers and partners are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability.
Companies operating in industries with a high environmental impact, such as energy or industrial production, can benefit from the label by demonstrating their commitment to reducing their ecological footprint. Similarly, companies wishing to improve their social practices, such as respect for human rights and the promotion of diversity, will find the label a structured framework for assessing and improving their internal policies.
In addition, the Engagé RSE label is relevant to companies seeking to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. By displaying this certification, they can attract sustainability-conscious customers and investors. It can also facilitate access to new markets where CSR standards are an entry criterion.
Finally, for companies involved in complex supply chains, the label offers official recognition of their efforts to ensure responsible and ethical management throughout the chain. This not only strengthens the confidence of business partners, but also that of end consumers.
What are the evaluation criteria for the Engagé RSE label?
Details of evaluation criteria :
- Environmental aspects: Criteria include efficient management of natural resources, reduction of carbon footprint, recycling and energy efficiency.
- Social aspects: These concern respect for human rights, improved working conditions, and the promotion of diversity and inclusion.
- Ethical aspects: The emphasis is on transparency in business operations and the fight against corruption.
Assessment methodology: The assessment is carried out via an external audit by an independent body, which verifies the information provided by the company. This includes documentary analysis and interviews with stakeholders.
Rating or award levels: The label offers different levels of recognition (e.g. levels 1 to 4), enabling companies to progress in their CSR approach.
How to obtain the Engagé RSE label
Steps in the process :
- Preparation: Before applying for the label, a company must carry out an internal diagnosis to assess its current CSR practices. This includes identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as the commitment of internal stakeholders.
- Application process: The application is generally made via a dedicated platform, where the company submits a file detailing its CSR actions. This file must be accompanied by documentary evidence supporting each statement.
- Assessment: Once the application has been submitted, an audit is carried out by an independent body to assess compliance with the label criteria. This audit may include site visits and interviews with various internal stakeholders.
- Post-certification follow-up: After obtaining the label, it is essential that the company maintains its CSR commitments. Periodic reassessments are often necessary to maintain certification.
- Cost and duration of certification: Costs vary according to company size and sector of activity. The process can take several months, depending on the level of initial preparation.
Differences between the Engagé RSE label and other CSR certifications or labels
The Engagé RSE label is distinguished by its alignment with the ISO 26000 standard, offering a structured approach based on an internationally recognized benchmark. It is particularly relevant for companies seeking solid national recognition while fully integrating CSR into their overall strategy.
Our advice for a successful Engagé RSE certification process
To maximize your chances of obtaining the Engagé RSE label :
- Best practice: Involve all stakeholders early in the process to ensure a common understanding of CSR objectives.
- Tools and resources: Use specialized software to track your CSR indicators, and consider hiring an expert consultant to guide you through the process.
- Training and awareness: Train your employees in CSR principles so that they can actively contribute to the process. Organize regular awareness-raising sessions to maintain their commitment.
The Active Agencies label
The “Agences Actives” CSR label, developed by the Association des Agences-Conseils en Communication (AACC) in collaboration with AFNOR Certification, is a benchmark designed to assess communications agencies’ commitment to social and environmental responsibility (SER) since 2018.
This label, specifically adapted to the needs of communications agencies, is based on the international standard ISO 26000 and is structured around four main themes: vision and governance, service delivery, human resources and social aspects, and the agency’s environmental impact.
The label distinguishes three levels of maturity in agencies’ CSR initiatives: committed (1 star), confirmed (2 stars) and expert (3 stars). This enables agencies not only to structure their CSR strategy, but also to continually challenge it to ensure that it is aligned with industry best practice.
How long is the Engagé RSE label valid?
Which companies can apply for the Engagé RSE label?
What are the tax benefits of obtaining the Engagé RSE label?
How does the Engagé RSE label impact corporate culture?
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